Saturday, November 12, 2011

Monster In The Making??

Kinlee still sleeps in a bassinett type thingy beside our bed at night. I still haven't worked up the courage to put her in her crib yet. I know, shame on me. Anyways, for the past few nights she has been waking up around 2:30am (She usually sleeps until 6ish) crying. I reach over and stick the paci back in her mouth and she instantly falls back to sleep. I know I am probably doing more harm than good by doing this, because she is going to get used to it and never learn how to soothe herself back to sleep on her own. Ugh. Guess I better get started reasearching...


  1. Don't worry so much about the self soothing at this age. I know every one always tells us moms that we are spoiling our babies but I don't think your doing anything wrong. I never let my little one self soothe when he was a baby, I just did whatever I could to make him comfy. When he became 1 year old, I then began to teach him to self soothe himself to sleep. Now I have a happy 2 year old that always gets in bet and sleeps alone. You have plenty of time, so don't worry :)

  2. Don't be so hard on yourself. I don't think that giving her back her paci (particularly if she is too young to go search for it herself) is so bad. You aren't rocking her to sleep or getting her out of bed. And you are showing her that mommy is attuned to her needs.

    BTW my daughter loves your background. :)


  3. I don't think she can be spoiled this opinion anyway. I treated both my babies the same (like you in bassinet and rocked to sleep lots) and they are completely different sleepers. One is awesome at self soothing and goes right to sleep...always has. The other...not so much.

    I tried to follow, but don't see the link.

  4. I've heard you can't spoil them this young, and part of me says, "You can't get this "baby time" back and before I know it we'll be fighting over what she tries to leave the house wearing, when she can start shaving, wearing make-up, etc and I'll be the most horrible person ever... until she's grown and realizes I was right all along. I'm starting to think she has colic. She has been EXTREMLY fussy for the past few days. ugh
